The Five Interrogatives of Nutrition

Bloating, poor digestion and elimination, acid indigestion

All symptoms of the bowel's inability to adequately digest, assimilate, absorb nutrients

From a matter science nutritional approach, since we are so fixated in the molecules being taken in and in what quantity, that we forget that if the gut is not healthy then all bets are off about nutrients

Here are five things that can help improve our digestive health

            What  eating foods that produce balance in the physiology using the nutritional formats at for PV or PK or VK; also watching food incompatabilities is also important and found at

            Where make a deal with yourself that you'll sit down to eat anything whether it's a meal or a piece of fruit

            When  biggest meal should always be at noon whenever possible and avoid snacks

            How  eat with attention and pay attention to how you feel after you've eaten particularly when foods that are on the no list from the site 

            Why pay attention to eating emotionally; check in to why you are eating because at times we don't have an appetite but we eat anyway

From an energy science view digestion is improved with attention to the interrogatories  In this way our gut becomes healthier

Until tomorrow                                                  To health as a Skill   Love DrBill

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10 Ways to Improve IBS

From an energy science point of view IBS(irritable bowel syndrome) pain occurs because of an imbalance in the GIT(gastrointestinal tract)   From our previous blogs it's apparent that the imbalance in the mindbody occurs due to imbalance of qualities beginning in the GIT  This is particularly important for those who have associated conditions such as GERD, IC, chronic prostatitis and fibromyalgia

So the key is correct the imbalance in order to get your life back before IBS changed it and turned into a shambles

The Precious Gift

One of the keys to help improve health is to develop a healthy GIT which will go a long way toward improving your feeling of well being   But what does it mean to have a healthy digestive system?

Again from an energy science view it means that you have a strong digestive fire which is defined molecularly as all the digestive enzyme systems from the mouth to the anus including all the organisms that help with digestion, the so called probiotic population

In fact it is said that all we need for great health is a good digestive fire!   It is indeed a fortunate person born with a strong digestive fire and is able to maintain it through her/his lifetime It is a precious gift that Momma Nature gives us  With such a strong digestion like we had when we children, teenagers, and young adults we could eat anything and we thought it wouldn't effect us In part that is true but over time it catches up with us and the fire begins to deteriorate

It's unfortunate that the matter science view of the human physiology does not have such a concept but that's the way it goes

10 Things to Improve Digestive Fire

We have written many times about the importance of appropriate nutritional formats for individual mindbody makeups as well as incompatible food combinations   Observance of these is foundational to help improve or maintain the power of your digestive fire

But other things that we can do to enhance digestive strength:

1 Tongue scraping in the morning stimulates digestive enzyme system

2 Use of herbs such as fresh ginger, fresh basil, tumeric, cardamom, fennel, cumin, coriander in your cooking

3   5 interrogatives of eating: When to eat the biggest meal of the day

4 Try not eating meals late at night Best is to use fruit for snacks or late night eating

5 Don't eat when emotionally upset

6 Only eat when you're hungry

7 Ice is not nice Don't use ice anytime because it cools off the digestion

8 Exercise regularly

9 No snacks If need to snack use fresh seasonal fruit

10 Drink milk separately from meals

So there you have it    How to begin improving your digestive fire   Overwhelming?  Just try one a week and before you know it you'll begin feeling better and bowel activity will begin to normalize(regular bowel movements daily for those who are constipated)

Until next week                                          Your humble servant in healing Love Dr Bill

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